High sensitivty pipe-addressable asiprating smoke detection
The VESDA LaserSCANNER (VLS) is similar to the standard VESDALaser Plus (VLP) but includes a valving mechanism in the inlet manifold and software to control the airflow from the four pipe sectors. This configuration allows a single VESDA zone to be divided in to four separate sectors and allow for individual pipe identification.
- Individual pipe identification
- Adaptice scan threshold
- 4 alarm levels per sector
- High efficiency aspirator
- Clean air barrier for optics protection
- Easy to replace filter
- Clean rooms – small, adjacent clean rooms
- Computer rooms – equipment cabinets
- Control rooms – equipment cabinets
- Dormitories/prisons – up to 4 rooms or cells
- Historical buildings – separate rooms
- Hospitals – separate operating theaters or laboratories
- Hotels – guest rooms
- Laboratories – separate fume hoods or rooms
- Libraries/archival storage – storage rooms
- Museums/art galleries – small display rooms
- Offices – multiple offices
- Telecommunication facilities – equipment cabinets
- Cinemas – several smaller theatre rooms
- Wide sensitivity range: 0.0015 -6%/ft obscuration
- 20,000sqft coverage area
- VESDAnet (TM) Communication
- 7 or 12 programmable relay options
- Event log
- UL Listed
- ULC Listed
- FM Approved